The Desi Strong Doll...
Through our own experiences, we saw our daughter benefit from having a doll as a therapeutic tool. We are very proud to have had the ability to produce and share the "Desi Strong Doll”. While Desi was fighting cancer she would treat her dolls like her patients, they too had cancer. She would give them IV’s, ports and check their vitals; caring for them as if she was their doctor.
The Desi doll emulates everything that Desi was and continues to be. The doll reflects children that are fighting cancer by being bald and have the ability to be cared for by way of a removable port-a-cath. It is our mission to have the foundation provide dolls to as many children fighting cancer as we can reach.
Desi has taught the world so many things in her 6 years of life. She danced through chemo, loved unconditionally & never lost her beautiful smile. We want every cancer-fighting child to feel the love that Desi was so graciously given. Please help us fight this fight, for the future of our children. No child fights alone!